Thursday, June 11, 2020



N5.5 Demonstrate an understanding of fractions by using concrete and pictorial representations to: 

create sets of equivalent fractions 
compare fractions with like and unlike denominators.

February 1, 2021

  • Divide a large pile of objects (cereal, plastic animals, blocks, etc.) equally into 4 piles to illustrate one-fourth. Recombine the group to divide into other fractions.
  • Get out the measuring cups and spoons!  Let your child play with them in the bath to experience one-half cup or one-third teaspoon.
  • Fold a piece of paper into halves, and then into halves again with your child. Open it up to show the division of fourths.
  • Count the rooms in your house and make some fraction facts about them.  One-half of the rooms have windows. One-third of them have pillows.

Mental Mystery

Have your child count out 10-20 objects such as pennies, marbles, or candy and have him close his eyes. Then hide some of the five objects, while leaving the rest uncovered.  Ask your child to calculate how many objects he sees and how many objects are covered. Practice this activity until your child can quickly solve these simple equations. Add one additional object once your child has mastered that level to increase difficulty. 

Multiplication War

With this fun card game, your child will master his multiplication facts in no time! Shuffle a deck of cards and deal them face down, giving each player an equal number. Assign the picture cards a value of 10 and the aces a value of 11. Each player turns two cards face up, reads the number sentence and supplies the answer. For example, if your child draws a 7 and an 8, he says 7×8=56. If you draw a 6 and a 4, you say 6×4=24. Because his product is larger, he wins the four cards and puts them at the bottom of his pile. Continue the game until one player runs out of cards.


SS5.7 Single transformations of 2-D shapes: Rotations January 25-29, 2021

**There is no PDF available for this week**

This week we are focusing on Identify, create, and analyze single transformations of 2-D shapes (with and without the use of technology). (SS5.7)

Single transformations of 2-D shapes - rotations

 When we rotate an image, we turn a shape on a point of rotation.  We can turn or rotate the image clockwise or counterclockwise.  The point of rotation will be on one of the vertices of the shape.

Think about the hands on a clock.  When the minute hand moves from the 12 to the 3, it rotates a quarter turn clockwise.

When the minute hand moves from the 12 to the 6, It rotates a half turn clockwise.

When the minute hand move from the 12 to the 9, it rotates a three-quarter turn.

Now that you have seen how to do rotations, on a piece of paper draw a triangle.  Label the vertices A, B and C.  Rotate the triangle a half turn clockwise, and label the vertices on the image.

Draw a square and label the vertices A, B, C and D.  Rotate the square 3/4 turn clockwise and label the image and its vertices.

Draw a shape (not a circle) of your choice. Choose a vertex to rotate your shape 1/4 turn counterclockwise.  Label your image and the vertices.  

Once you have finished, take a picture and email or text the picture to or 639-840-0835.

January 11/21

**There is no PDF available for this week**

This week we are focusing on Describing Shapes and Perpendicular Sides (SS5.5)


Parallel:  2 sides that are the same distance apart and never meet.

Horizontal:  A line that goes from left to right or right to left.

Vertical:  A line that goes up and down.

Perpendicular:  2 lines that intersect at a right angle.

Right Angle:  2 lines that form a 90° Angle

Vertex:  The point where 2 sides of a shape meet

Perpendicular lines-assignment

This week we are focusing on solving equations using variables (Outcome P5.2)

What is a variable?  A variable in math is our unknown.  We usually represent this unknown with a letter or a symbol.  For example, in the following equation, the variable is the letter c.

c + 2 = 5 
c - 2 = 5 - 2
c = 3

I can check my answer by substituting my answer for the variable.

3 + 2 = 5

If I get the right answer, then I know the value of the variable.

**There is no PDF available for this week**

This week is focused on Long Division: strategies for dividing 3-digit whole numbers by 1-digit whole numbers.




8÷3=2 remainder 2

368÷3= 122 r2

Press alt0247 for the ÷ sign, or just use /

January 4, 2021

**There is no printable copy for this week's learning package. 

This week, the focus continues with multiplication. Start with Factoring and finishing off the week with Halving and Doubling

Objective: Watch the video, then do the assignment right after. 

❇️ This strategy will only work if one or both factors are:

                1. A even number   OR

                2. Ends with a 5 or 0.

The poster may also help you understand: 

If you halve one factor, then the other factor must double up.
  • ex. The is cutting in half to 2, then 2 is cutting in half to 1
  • At the same time, the 9 is doubling up to 18, then 18 is doubling up to 36.
Think: which is easier to solve for you?
a. 4 9
b. 2 x 18
c. 36

December 8

November 24-

Math assignments:

2 Multiplication assignments:
* Multiplication strategies to help you with your assignments Multiplication strategies

Chief Taylor Parent Survey

 Please click the link below :) Parent Survey